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Frances DeBlare

I am an Alaska transplant, as many of us are. We come from lands far and wide and fall in a deep unwavering love with Alaska, the landscape, the vastness of wilderness and never leave. This place has captured my heart and soul in a way no other place has. I belong. 


My journey here started years ago with a military move and evolved over years of exploration. The Cities and population may be small but, that isn't why we are here. We are here to explore. To adventure. We adventure by bike and boat and snowshoes. We climb and we descend. We seek views of mountains, trees, rivers and waterfalls, far and wide. We push our physical and mental limits to reach farther into the wild that calls our souls. Escape the cities and fast paced life to find ourselves and our tribe. The people of like mind, full of life and laughter. We feel free with our people and our pups. Our best adventure buddies, the furry ones. Trotting close at our heels with bells and lights. Through narrow single track, covered in overgrowth and over snowy frozen rivers in the darkest of nights, moon lighting out way, we adventure. 


This is the Alaskan life. This is my life, where I truly live. 


My wife, son and I adventure often with our pups. I am happy to share my art, inspired by life. 

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